Izaskun Zabala during a hand reading session in her palmistry practice.
Hand analysis map for palmistry.
Izaskun Zabala during a hand reading session in her palmistry practice.
Map for hand analysis in palmistry.
Izaskun Zabala during a hand reading session in her palmistry practice.
Izaskun Zabala during a hand reading session in her palmistry practice.
Hand analysis map for palmistry.
Izaskun Zabala during a hand reading session in her palmistry practice.
Map for hand analysis in palmistry.
Izaskun Zabala during a hand reading session in her palmistry practice.

Sesión de Quiromancia

€120,00 Oferta Ahorre

La quiromancia es una ciencia y un lenguaje universal. Durante miles de años, hemos observado las marcas y formas de las manos, correlacionando la información encontrada con rasgos específicos de la personalidad y acontecimientos vitales. Con el tiempo, se formularon las leyes de la quiromancia.

Tu mano te sirve de guía y refleja cómo estás en muchas áreas de tu vida: las fuentes internas con las que tienes que trabajar, hacia dónde pareces dirigirte y dónde necesitas mejorar. Las manos cambian a medida que cambiamos auténticamente nuestros patrones de carácter; las líneas se forman según nuestros arquetipos mentales.

La naturaleza compasiva e intuitiva de Izaskun encontró su voz en la quiromancia. A través de su dedicación, guía a las personas para que saquen el máximo partido de sus vidas, abordando oportunidades, retos y relaciones con confianza y facilidad.

Izaskun estudió quiromancia en Nueva York con Ellen Goldberg, conocida quiromántica, psicoterapeuta, mística, astróloga y tarotista.

Izaskun realiza actualmente lecturas de manos virtuales de 60 minutos. Una vez realizada la reserva, se te enviará un correo electrónico de seguimiento con indicaciones sobre las imágenes. Las sesiones pueden realizarse en inglés, español o francés. Recibirás la grabación en vídeo de la llamada en directo y estás invitado a consultar a Izaskun si te surge alguna duda en el futuro.

Entre los clientes se incluyen: Man Repeller, Bloomingdale's , Anthropologie y Dolce Vita.

¿Tienes preguntas? ¿Planificas un evento? Ponte en contacto con nosotros aquí

*Las reservas son válidas por seis meses. Tu sesión caducará si no se programa en un plazo de seis meses a partir de la fecha de compra.

Más información sobre el cuidado de nuestras joyas aquí

  • Envío gratuito en todos los pedidos nacionales (España)
  • Envío gratuito en pedidos internacionales superiores a €100. Consulte nuestra Política de Envíos
  • Las devoluciones gratuitas están disponibles para cambio y/o crédito en la tienda dentro de los 14 días siguientes a la fecha de entrega. Consulte nuestra Política de Devoluciones
  • Todos los artículos en oferta, por encargo, personalizados y tarjetas regalo son venta final

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Customer Reviews

Based on 48 reviews
A Deeply Insightful and Empowering Palmistry Session with Izaskun

Izaskun's palmistry session was insightful and transformative. Her expertise in interpreting the lines of my hands provided clear and accurate guidance. She connected personally, making complex concepts easy to understand and relevant to my life. The follow-up resources she provided have been invaluable. I highly recommend Izaskun for anyone interested in deepening self-awareness and personal growth.

Hello Glen,
Our session was another re affirmation of the truth essence our hands carry and translate. When preparing for it, I was very curious even got to doubt myself about my delivery, but our conversation was nevertheless powerful and constructive.
Thank you very much for taking time and leaving a review, I truly appreciate it!
I cannot wait to see how your next chapter develops. Stay in touch :)

A Heartfelt Thank You to Izaskun

Dear Izaskun,

I can't thank you enough for your kindness and expertise during our session. Your guidance and insights were truly invaluable to me. I feel incredibly grateful and fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from you, and I'm already looking forward to our next session in the future.

I've always been curious about palmistry, especially because I have a simian line on one hand. However, I never actively pursued it, partly due to skepticism. But fate intervened when I discovered, through our shared passion for jewellery crafting, that you are also a palm reader. It felt like the perfect chance, and I couldn't pass it up.

You revealed some profound insights about me during our session, things that have deepened my understanding of myself. The fact that you recorded the session was incredibly helpful. Watching it again with my husband allowed me to absorb your words even more deeply, and I've been able to reflect on your advice and how to incorporate it into my life.

Thank you, Izaskun, for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with me and the world. I will always cherish my first palm reading experience and carry your words close to my heart.

Warm regards,

Dear Ivana, I am reading your beautiful and meaningful review.
My heart warms up with gratitude for your words. It is such an honor to know the language of the hands and share deep conversations.
Thank YOU for taking the time to write these insights. Much Love dear, see you at the bench! <3

An Inspiring & Beautiful Experience

This was my first experience with palmistry.

The session was such an inspiring and beautiful experience for me. It left me wanting the next day to rewatch the entire session and make notes and absorb everything.

It was personal, deep and an entire journey. It really felt like that! It also gave me clarity on where I am heading.

I recommend it to everyone! :)

Dear Miruna,
Thank you. I truly enjoyed the session with you and being able to decipher the message that your hands have to say about you! I am excited to see your potential fully develop in the near future. Do please keep in touch! <3

Looking forward to working with Izaskun again!

Receiving a palm reading from Izaskun was an absolute pleasure.
Her energy was warm and comforting from the beginning. She patiently walked me through the basics of palmisty before diving in, which I really appreciated. I learned so much about the shapes and symbols in my hands and how that relates to who I am today, as well as the gifts I was born with.
It is clear Izaskun has studied palmistry for a long time; she is extremely knowledgeable and thorough in her readings.
Could not recommend her enough.

Dear Sarah,
The pleasure is all mine! I am honored and grateful to have powerful conversations with people from all over the world that are going through deep life changing events.
The addition of knowing your date of birth, offers to learn your Kin or galactic signature in the 13 Moon calendar. This is no coincidence the information complemented the session with further understanding.
Wishing you all the best, please be in touch!

I highly recommend working with her- whether it's taking a class, or booking a palm reading

I took an Intro to Palmistry class with Iza, and it was amazing. She's a wonderful teacher, and her love for palmistry was evident from the moment she started speaking. She's welcoming and engaging and presents complex ideas and principles clearly, and in a way that makes you want to learn more. Her mastery of the knowledge and skill set that it takes to successfully read palms is truly impressive.

I was also fortunate to book a palm reading with her. The depth of insight and information that she was able to distill from studying my hands blew me away. She helped give context to certain patterns that I'd been seeing in my life, while also offering wisdom and inspiration around areas for which I was seeking guidance.

I highly recommend working with her- whether it's taking a class, or booking a palm reading.

Dear Amanda, thank you so much for writing a review.
I am thrilled to hear how much you enjoyed my palmistry workshop in NY! To be honest, it was my first time teaching a 4 hour long class and I was quite nervous! And then the private session with you was truly special. Thank you for your trust and sharing. I wish you all the very best in your new chapter.
With Love, Izaskun.